Sunday, August 7, 2011

July 22-28

Well it has been another phenomenal week.  I learned so much from the training.  We continued level two from what we had done the weekend.  We would go from 8:30 in the morning to about 5:30 at night.  The first three nights we went back to the Island and fixed dinner.  However, after those nights I think everybody was tired and so we started eating out.  The fun part about the week was getting to the place where we were having training.  We only had one car and had nine people to transport.  So we had to pack everybody in like a clown car and then take two trips.  Luckily since there were two trips that meant that one group got a few extra minutes of sleep.  I was definitely in that last group and it was definitely worth it to get the extra few minutes of sleep.  We did training until Thursday.  That last day we had a certification exam.  The good thing is that everyone passed.  After the exam we had a closing ceremony and certificate ceremony.  Once we were done with that, four of us went to Cape Town to get the two rent cars that we were going to use to go to the western coast.  That took about an hour, so we got back into Stellenbosch at around 3:30-4:00 and got packed up to go to Casper’s Mom’s house.  At about 4:30 we left the Island for the last time and headed off to the coast.  Casper’s house is about a three hour drive from Stellenbosch.  We stopped at about 6:00 for dinner and didn’t get to Casper’s house until around 8:30-9:00.  By that time everybody was tired, so we said hello to Casper’s mom and then found our beds and crashed.  Friday morning we slept in until about 9:30-10:00 and then drove around to do some sightseeing.  We headed across the cape and down the coast a ways just seeing various things.  It is very pretty on the western coast.  We spent the majority of the day driving around and just seeing the sights around Casper’s home area.  I forgot to take my camera so I didn’t get any pictures. We then headed back to the house and Casper’s mom had a great meal ready for us.  That night we went to bed getting ready for the next day.  On Saturday we got up early to watch the Springbok, All Blacks game at the local hotel 10 miles away… We thought that the game was going to start at 8:30 in the morning when in reality it started at 9:30.  So we sat in the back room at the hotel for about an hour waiting for the game to start.  Before game time; Casper, Ashley, and George headed back to Cape Town to take Quin so she could make her flight.  It was pretty disappointing, the game that is.  We had a good time though, hanging out with everybody.  After the game we went back to the house and got ready for the afternoon..  It was decided to go play some golf and so everybody set out to the golf course.  At the course we found that no one had a set of left handed clubs and there were none to be rented.  So I decided that I would take to girls and do some driving lessons.  So Ashley, Lori and I headed out.  Ashley started driving and did so for about thirty minutes.  She did fairly well.  The only issues were at the stop and starts in first gear.  After a while Lori and I realized that we were starving, we didn’t eat lunch so as we drove we looked for a place to eat.  We settled on this hole in the wall pub, it was supposedly recommended to us… it wasn’t.  We went in and were immediately labeled as foreigners.   It is one of those things; we just have the mannerisms of people who are not from around.  Luckily one of the Currie Cup games was on and so we took a table on the side of the room and started watching.  After a while we ordered some lunch and finished watching the game.  After that we decided to head out before all the locals came to the pub.  Honestly it was quite nice.  The people there were very nice and the staff, while sultry, was very nice and helpful.  After the pub it was Lori’s turn to drive.  We went a little ways and then decided to go back and see where the rest of the guys were in the golf game.  They weren’t done and so we decided to do some more driving.  We found a subdivision that didn’t have any houses in it, so I took the ladies there and we drove on the vacant streets for about an hour.  After that we headed back to the house and watched the sunset on the beach.  Again no pictures.  Before all the light was gone, we ended up playing some soccer on the beach and had a good time doing that until we couldn’t see the ball any more.  After that we went in and cleaned up and had another great dinner.  On Sunday we woke up late and went to the beach.  We had breakfast on the beach and then a little church service.  After that a big lunch had been prepared and so we went and ate.  And boy did we eat.  Each and every one of us was lying, miserably after the lunch.  A group decided to go golfing once more.  Myself and Clark decided that a nap was in order and so we went and took the most glorious two hour nap.  After the nap we just chilled at the house for a while.  It was then time for dinner and again we had another glorious meal.  After dinner we a few of us stayed and talked for a while.  At around 11:00 we went to bed.  The next morning we would need to be up early to head back to Stellenbosch for our last week in South Africa.  Well this is Ryan Dillon signing off.