Sunday, June 19, 2011

June 17th 2011

Day Two:
Well day two has come and past.  We started this morning a little bit earlier than expected.  Hein said that he wanted to have us come to a personnel meeting at 8:00am this morning.  That was a little bit earlier than we expected to be up; however, we set the alarms for 7:00 since we were not sure where we were going.  7 o’clock rolled around and the snooze button was pressed.  7:15, and again the button was pressed.  Finally 7:20 rolled around and we got up and got ready to go.  We were pulling out of the driveway at 7:35am.  Not too bad for still being jet lagged.  Well so I thought.  We started down the road and both asked each other the same question, “Do you remember how to get there?”  And the answer was universally “No.”  Well that meant one thing, we were going to have to try and find it on our own.  So we started driving.  We drove in the direction, on the road that we thought was correct.  This took us through the heart of town at rush hour.  Talk about a wakeup call.  Two minutes of that and I was wide awake.  After driving down the main road for probably twenty kilometers, we finally turned around.  The drive took us through some of the wine country. It was beautiful.  There was a fog up the mountains and in the valleys which covered everything in a serene ambiance.  It was amazing.  It helped take my mind off of the fact that we were lost and most likely going to be late.  I wish I had taken pictures.  However, I am learning that being the one to drive has its draw backs.  The first of which is that my picture taking is non-existent.  Anyway, after we turned around we made our way back to Stellenbosch on the road that we thought was correct.  Again we were wrong.   We drove through more wine country and through several sharp turns, and started heading up the mountain.  Well I know that this wasn’t right.  Hein never said anything about a mountain.  So on a steep incline, with a turn really close by I shifted into reverse and prayed that we wouldn’t get hit.  Luck was on our side and we made it back to Stellenbosch safely.  Well at that time, I had had enough stumbling around in the dark.  So we went back to the bed and breakfast and asked for directions.  To our delight/dismay the SCAS office was not very far away.   Also the directions could not have been simpler.  So we jumped in the car and headed out towards our destination.  Third time is the charm.  After driving three kilometers through more wine country, again very beautiful and in the shadow of the mountains was a very amazing sight, we made it to our destination.  One problem, the turn off is not labeled like I expected it to be.  I guess I was looking for a giant billboard with neon light.  Well there was none and so I missed the turn off.  Once again I did the impossible and whipped that little car around to head back the other way.  Driving in Crawford has helped me in these endeavors.  I mean back home I use side streets at turn a rounds all the time, that was good practice for South Africa.  Well we finally got to the SCAS office almost a full hour after we meant to.  What can we say; we like to be fashionably late.
At the personnel meeting we met the staff.  Of course Hein was there, but we also met Mariska, Marta, Yan(I may be wrong about his name), and Daniel (Daniel is from Texas, small world huh?).  We also met two other of the staff but they working and we weren’t really able to get their names fully.  So after the personnel meeting we finally got to get some internet time, hence why I got a blog post up.  We then left SCAS following Daniel to the place where we were going to meet Hein for lunch.  I must say that it is nice following someone around an unfamiliar location, especially on the other side of the road.  We then headed back to the room, and I grabbed a short nap before lunch. 
Lunch and Our Tour:
After the nap we headed to a nice little strip mall shopping center for lunch.  We also got chargers for out electronic devices; thank the Lord for I would not be able to blog without it.  After lunch Hein jumped in our car and we headed around Stellenbosch for the tour.  It was pretty cool.  The purpose was to help us to know where we are going, but I don’t think it helped me that much.  I am still concentrating on staying on the right side of the road and driving the standard.  It is a lot of work.  Hopefully Drew has picked up most of it and can be our navigator.  After the grand tour, we headed back to the bed and breakfast to chill for the rest of the day.  I’m not going to lie after being jet lagged and worn out, a lazy day was very nice.  Tomorrow we are going to head to the beach and see the sights there.  Then it is BBQ and Rugby time!!! But first, we sleep.  This is Ryan Dillon signing off.

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